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The 23 workshops of the IFSA 2014 Symposium reflect the diversity of Farming System research. They are organised under three themes

Click on a workshop theme to learn more or go directly to a specific workshop.

1 – Innovation, knowledge
exchange and learning

2 – Feeding the future

3 – Climate change

1.1 Actor-driven or instrument-driven: does it make a difference? 2.1 Healthy growth in value-based chains: From niche to volume with integrity and trust 3.1 Soil management: facilitating on-farm mitigation and adaptation
1.2 Evaluation of policy schemes supporting innovation and advisory services: new concepts, methodologies and case studies 2.2 Transition Issues in Production, Marketing and Consumption for the Agro-Ecological Development of Animal Production 3.2 Agroforestry research and practice in Europe
1.3 Innovation Platforms as Drivers of Institutional Change 2.3 Sustainable intensification for improved food security: are the challenges the same in Africa, Asia and Europe? 3.3 Designing Cropping Systems for Adaptation to Climate Change
1.4 The development of more entrepreneurial farming systems and the move towards a more farm-level approach to innovation and learning 2.4 The Role of Localised Agrifood Systems in a Globalised Europe  
1.5 Returning to the farming and food systems as they are - action and phenomenon based learning as prerequisite for transdisciplinarity 2.5 Achieving co-benefits for sustainability and health through alternative agro-food systems                               
1.6 Linking scientists and farmers, research and application - methods of on-farm research projects in livestock sciences 2.6 Integrative and interdisciplinary approaches to the ecologisation of agrifood systems  
1.7 Collaborative learning to solve problems and develop innovations in complex systems: focus on methodologies 2.7 Sustainability of Dairy Farms - Concepts, Measurements and Empirical Results  
1.8 Knowledge & innovation brokers: lubricating knowledge development & innovation in networks 2.8 Farming the cities: exploring the role of agriculture and food in enabling sustainable urban food systems  
1.9 Farmland (bio-)diversity in the hands and minds of farmers: Farming systems approaches to landscape protection and biodiversity preservation 2.9 Greening the CAP  
  2.10 They eat horses don't they?  
  2.11 Larger fields, faster tractors, GPS, milk robots, automated egg production, … Does this type of agricultural change contribute to lasting prosperity and resilience?  


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