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Experimental Farm Klostergut Scheyern

Using the experimental farm 'Klostergut Scheyern' as a reference Meyer-Aurich et al. (2003) examined the costs of integrating measures to prevent soil erosion into integrated and organic farming systems using trade-off functions. For this purpose an extensive database for the two management units (31 ha integrated and 56 ha organic farming area) on the 'Klostergut' an experimental farm of the research network agro-ecosystems Munich (FAM) at the Technical University Munich was available.
For both units model-runs with MODAM were executed. For this purpose costs and yields of the single production practices were adapted to the local cropping techniques. The soil loss caused by these adapted production practices was estimated using the German version of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (ABAG = Allgemeine BodenAbtragsGleichung). The C-factor which resembles the influence of soil cover and tillage on the erosion of a certain plot was estimated using a special build in module of MODAM (Meyer-Aurich et al. 2001).
The calculated trade-off functions showed that the integration of erosion protection measures into the integrated working unit is possible with a smaller decrease in contribution margin as in the organic farming unit. It has to be noted, though, that the integrated unit had a high share of root and tuber crops in its crop rotation and thus a higher level of erosion to start with. Using catch and cover crops the erosion was reduced to 4 tons per ha and year with a marginal reduction in gross margin. The organic farming unit had a lower erosion potential to begin with because of a high share of fodder legumes in the crop rotation. An additional reduction of erosion only could be achieved giving up highly profitable crops like potatoes and faba beans leading to a substantial reduction in gross margin.

Meyer-Aurich, A., J. Schuler, K. Auerswald, P. Zander and H. Kächele. 2001. Trade off of soil protection - assessing economic consequences of erosion control. In K. Helming [Ed.] Multidisciplinary approaches to soil conservation stragtegies: Proceedings; International Symposium ESSC, DBG, ZALF. Müncheberg: Selbstverlag. (ZALF-Berichte, Nr. 47). p. 161-166
Meyer-Aurich, A., J. Schuler, P. Zander and J. Bachinger. 2003. Integration von Umweltzielen in die Betriebsoptimierung im ökologischen Landbau - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen am Beispiel des Versuchsbetriebs Klostergut Scheyern. Ökologischer Landbau der Zukunft: 7. Wissenschaftstagung zum Ökologischen Landbau 2003 vom 24.-26. Februar an der Universität für Bodenkultur in Wien. Vortrag.

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