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In order to identify appropriate steering instruments and management systems for a sustainable landscape development ecosystem services of selected cultural landscapes are being analysed and evaluated. Focus is on landscapes that are being affected by an increasing cultivation of energy crops. The examples chosen are the Lausitz (in Saxony) and the Uckermark (in Brandenburg). The impacts of scenario conditions on agricultural land use and the cultivation of renewable primary products is analyzed with the help of the bio-economic modeling approach of ZALF. Scenarios consider frame conditions for the spatial development as well as economic and agro political conditions. The approach delivers for a number of scenarios the land use distribution and allows the testing of new instruments of environmental governance. For the analysis and evaluation of ecosystem services the ZALF is developing a methodology that allows for a demand-oriented determination of sociocultural ecosystem services. Sociocultural ecosystem services are of special interest for the development of recreation opportunities und tourism and thus contribute to the overall regional development. Methods to integrate them into planning and decision processes so far hardly exist.


Document Actions
« April 2021 »