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The 23 workshops of the IFSA 2014 Symposium reflect the diversity of Farming System research. They are organised under three themes
Click on a workshop theme to learn more or go directly to a specific workshop.
1.1 Actor-driven or instrument-driven: does it make a difference? |
2.1 Healthy growth in value-based chains: From niche to volume with integrity and trust |
3.1 Soil management: facilitating on-farm mitigation and adaptation |
1.2 Evaluation of policy schemes supporting innovation and advisory services: new concepts, methodologies and case studies |
2.2 Transition Issues in Production, Marketing and Consumption for the Agro-Ecological Development of Animal Production |
3.2 Agroforestry research and practice in Europe |
1.3 Innovation Platforms as Drivers of Institutional Change |
2.3 Sustainable intensification for improved food security: are the challenges the same in Africa, Asia and Europe? |
3.3 Designing Cropping Systems for Adaptation to Climate Change |
1.4 The development of more entrepreneurial farming systems and the move towards a more farm-level approach to innovation and learning |
2.4 The Role of Localised Agrifood Systems in a Globalised Europe |
1.5 Returning to the farming and food systems as they are - action and phenomenon based learning as prerequisite for transdisciplinarity |
2.5 Achieving co-benefits for sustainability and health through alternative agro-food systems |
1.6 Linking scientists and farmers, research and application - methods of on-farm research projects in livestock sciences |
2.6 Integrative and interdisciplinary approaches to the ecologisation of agrifood systems |
1.7 Collaborative learning to solve problems and develop innovations in complex systems: focus on methodologies |
2.7 Sustainability of Dairy Farms - Concepts, Measurements and Empirical Results |
1.8 Knowledge & innovation brokers: lubricating knowledge development & innovation in networks |
2.8 Farming the cities: exploring the role of agriculture and food in enabling sustainable urban food systems |
1.9 Farmland (bio-)diversity in the hands and minds of farmers: Farming systems approaches to landscape protection and biodiversity preservation |
2.9 Greening the CAP |
2.10 They eat horses don't they? |
2.11 Larger fields, faster tractors, GPS, milk robots, automated egg production, … Does this type of agricultural change contribute to lasting prosperity and resilience? |