INKA BB network
The network links researchers, businesses, policy-makers and public administrations. Practitioner partners in the network include companies from agriculture and forestry, tourism, and water management sectors as well as civil associations and public authorities from Brandenburg and Berlin and further afield. In total, INKA BB includes around 100 organisations and stakeholders.
INKA BB consortium
INKA BB was initiated by a consortium comprising ten scientific institutions and three private companies.
INKA BB Project Advisory Board
The INKA BB Project Advisory Board comprises representatives from the realms of the private sector, research and administration, and advises the network on the development of adaptation strategies from both national and European perspectives.
INKA BB Executive Committee
The overall project is managed jointly by project coordinators and action field coordinators. Both scientists and practitioners are represented on this committee.
PROJECT Coordination
The Institute of Socio-Economics at the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) in Müncheberg coordinates the overarching INKA BB project.