Coordinated development of strategies
Climate scenarios and climate impact registers
Knowledge Management and Transfer
Climate-adapted regional planning for Uckermark-Barnim and Lausitz-Spreewald
Warning and intervention systems for health care and disease management
Climate-flexible integrated crop production
Adaptation tools for climate-resilient organic farming
Variety strategies for agricultural crops
Adaptation of horticultural crops to climate change
Assessment of land-use dependent particulate emissions
Insurance as an adaptation strategy to weather risks
Adaption strategies of pasture land systems to climate change
HYDBOS – A guidance tool for utilization and protection of hydromorphic soils under changing climate conditions
Agroforestry as a land use system adapted to increasing aridity
Adaptation through targeted development of mixed forests
Adjustment of administrative nature conservation to climate change - management options and design of policy instruments in Brandenburg
Tourist destination and business management in the context of climate change
Innovative technology for efficient irrigation in crop production
Methods and tools for sustainable water management in small river basins in face of the climate change
Instruments and strategies for a sustainable water management in large wetlands
Modeling tools for a sustainable regional integrated water resources planning and development at the example of the Lusatian river basins
Sustainable management strategies for climate change for the glacial lakes of Brandenburg
Technologies for climate-adapted management of water in urban areas in a changing climate
Planning instruments and pilot solutions for sustainable urban water management in rural areas