Project 19
Sub project 19 develops concepts and steering approaches for small river basins in Brandenburg, Germany.
In cooperation with local water and soil associations, water management systems are established in three example areas (Fredersdorfer Muehlenfliess, Greifenhainer Fliess and Nuthegraben basin) that link technical solutions for water retention with efficient management procedures and steering mechanisms.
Thereby it is necessary to account not only for the availability of water but also for growing demands of flood protection and nature conservation, as well as for local recreation and tourism.
The technical solutions and management procedures developed within the project are adapted to growing intra-annual climate variations on the one hand, and expected climate trends on the other hand.
Concepts to customize existing, and to develop new institutional instruments (organizational, financial, legal and cooperative) for the promotion of water retention and groundwater recharge in small river basins are developed in cooperation with business partners.
Essential products of subproject 19 are industry-wide water management concepts as well as pilot plants for the retention of rainwater on the landscape level.
The steering methods and conceptual results developed for three different river basins have role model character for other regions with similar basic conditions in Brandenburg and elsewhere.