Project 24
Sub-project 24 analyzes the question to what extent the technical systems used and conceptual approaches for waste water disposal followed for decades meet future sustainable water management requirements and where change is needed.
Sub-project 24 aims to support the region Uckermark-Barnim in terms of adaptation strategies to climate change in the field of urban water management. It looks at whether and which economic incentives and planning instruments contribute to improved urban water management.
In cooperation with the water authorities of local governments in the planning region, individual municipalities, water and wastewater utility companies as well as water and soil associations model concepts for natural management of rainwater will be developed by an appropriate combination of technical and non-technical solutions in the rural suburban zone of Berlin.
In less densely populated areas, sanitation concepts are tested by comparison of variants and evaluated. In particular, the requirement for a long-term strategic orientation is taken into consideration to account for the anticipated impacts of demographic change.