Region Uckermark Barnim
The planning region Uckermark-Barnim covers an area of 4,580 sq km (15% of the Brandenburg territory). The region currently has about 317 000 inhabitants (about 12% of the population of Brandenburg). With less than 70 inhabitants / km ² it is one of the most sparsely populated regions of Germany.
The region - especially the Uckermark - will be strongly affected by demographic change. By 2030, a population decline to about 270,000 is forecasted.
The forest coverage is 31% with a heterogeneous distribution of forest. The Uckermark is predominantly agricultural. Because of its wealth in water bodies and forests, the region possesses a high potential for nature conservation and tourism.
Two nature parks and also the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Schorfheide-Chorin and the Lower Oder Valley National Park lie in the region.
With annual rainfall averaging 450-600 mm / year the planning region, especially the eastern Uckermark is one of the driest areas of Germany. The expected impacts of climate change will exacerbate the already apparent competition for water resources. Adaptation measures in water management and land use are therefore essential.