Guidelines for full papers
guidelines for full papers in PDF format (pdf, 326 kb)
Word-template (docx, 13 kb)
IFSA 2014 Endnote-style (zip, 3 kb)
IFSA 2014 Reference Manager output style (zip, 2 kb)
Your abstract has been accepted and you were asked to write a full paper? Great!
The full papers for IFSA 2014 should be emailed to the workshop convenors by December 31st, 2013. The paper abstracts will be published in a book of abstracts, whereas the full papers will be published electronically at In order to ease our editing work on the full papers, we have issued a set of guidelines as well as electronic templates for full papers.
Full papers should include the following elements: Title, author name(s), author affiliations, keywords, abstract and of course the remaining manuscript. The body text of the paper should be supplied with headings which reflects the contents of the subsequent paragraphs. You should use the supplied Word-template for your papers, which you can download here. The template is supplied in Word 2007 format. The length of full papers should be maximum 8 pages, using the Word-template, including figures and tables. As a rule of thumb, the paper should not exceed 5.200 words (this applies for a paper where there is no graphics, and roughly 650 words per page, using the templates line spacing at 1.15).
Figures and images should be embedded in the word document. Please use graphics files in 300 dpi resolution or better. If this makes your word file too big, send the images separately and use captions in the text clearly indicating where which image has to go. Tables should preferably be native Word-tables and be embedded within the text, without exceeding the page margins.
Regarding references, you can use the supplied Endnote-Style (*.ens) which formats the various layouts for different types of references. Download the IFSA 2014 Endnote style here. If you are not an Endnote-user, you can use the supplied IFSA 2014 Reference Manager output style. For those of you, who are not using reference management software, you should conform to these conventions:
Journal articles
Norton, B. (2008). Beyond Positivist Ecology: Toward an Integrated Ecological Ethics. Science and Engineering Ethics 14(4): 581-592.
Journal articles in press
Marsden, T. From post-productionism to reflexive governance: Contested transitions in securing more sustainable food futures. Journal of Rural Studies(in press).
Miles, S. (2010). Spaces for consumption. London, SAGE Publications.
Chapter in edited books
van der Ploeg, J. D., van Broekhuizen, R., Brunori, G., Sonnino, R., Knickel, K., Tisenkops, T. & Oostindie, H. (2008). Towards a framework for understanding regional rural development. In Unfolding webs: The dynamics of regional rural development. J. D. van der Ploeg and T. Marsden. Assens, The Netherlands, Van Gorcum: 1-28.
Horlings, I. & Marsden, T. (2010). Towards the real green revolution? Exploring the conceptual dimensions of a new ecological modernisation of agriculture that could ‘feed the world’. BRASS: The ESRS Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society, Cardiff University. Available at
Regarding citations, they should follow the following convention: (Author, Year) or (Author, Year:Cited Pages). Use letters for ambiguous citations: 2000a, 2000b and so on. If there are more than two authors, use first author followed by et al.