Project 02
In two fields of work the availability from and the contact with relevant information about climate is supported and protected for all partners:
On the one hand, updated regional climate scenarios are provided, which allow the network partners to estimate and to value the chances and risks of the climate change in a problem-oriented way. Besides, the associates from subproject 02 support this discussion with the help of their background knowledge about handling with probabilities and the development of significant indicators.
On the other hand, a climate impact register, which is building up on literature- and expert-based data, is provided. It shows interrelations of climate impacts for the region Berlin-Brandenburg. The register bundles up information about regional climate trends, the current scenarios and also about the vulnerability of the region Berlin-Brandenburg to climate change.
The climate impact register provides a resilient basis for the assessment of adaptation needs in the other subprojects and for their practical relevant impact analyses. The register is in this way tested as a basis for planning and decision processes especially for political-administrative and enterprise stakeholders.