Project 10
Work in sub-project 10 aims to develop recommendations for the reduction of particulate matter emissions from agricultural land.
For this information on the causes of particulate matter release is collected and the sources identified and quantified. This research is complemented by a targeted analysis of particulate matter measurements carried out on agricultural land.
The latter are conducted on farms with an experimental design agreed upon with the whole network. The selection of farms includes most representative soils and cropping systems in the area. The research will be carried out so that it can be used as input information into the heat and particulate matter alert system in the Berlin area (sub-project 05), as well as in the evaluation of soil tillage methods (sub-project 06).
The product of sub-project 10 is a compilation of current best evidence regarding climate change related increase in particulate emissions and the related impact on air quality and microclimate in large cities, supplemented by targeted emission measurements at different land use methods.
Therefrom are derived recommendations to reduce particulate emissions by different tillage measures.