Water Management
The Brandenburg/Berlin region, the setting for our project, is characterised by a large number of bodies of water with comparably low annual precipitation, resulting in potential water shortages. With the anticipated shift in precipitation to the winter half of the year, the conflicts of interest regarding water use will intensify and the demand for management of water will intensify.
Aspects of sustainable water management and water management adaptation options under climate change conditions are investigated at different levels in INKA BB, and recommendations for the future are developed.
Methods and instruments for sustainable water management in small catchment areas with different priorities are devised in collaboration with local water and soil associations using three bodies of water (Fredersdorfer Mühlenfließ, Greifenhainer Fließ and the Nuthegraben catchment areas).
In Spreewald, the analysis and assessment of instruments and strategies for sustainable water resources management in large wetland areas are carried out using various adaptation options.
Instruments for sustainable regional hydrological planning and development are being adapted to future climatic conditions. They take into account the conditions of water quality and quantity and their mutual dependence, using the upper Spree catchment area in Lusatia as an example.
Three key regions with different types of lakes serve as a model for the development of sustainable management strategies for Brandenburg’s glacial lakes during climate change.
The shift in precipitation to the winter brings new challenges to supplying drinking water in Berlin. Technologies for climate-adaptive water resources management in urban areas comprise innovative storage systems that can manage periods of water shortage and water excess. Planning instruments and pilot solutions for sustainable municipal water management help to validate new concepts that assist with balancing the supply of water, and these can be applied to rural areas too.